Подготовка тематического монологического высказывания.

На занятии мы поговорим о вводных словах и выражениях, в том числе выражающих личное мнение. На занятии будут предложены слова и выражения для описания и сравнения фотографий. Здесь мы потренируемся в звуковом и интонационном оформлении высказывания.

Задания по теме для самостоятельного решения

Задание 1

(2 балла)

Инструкция: Вашему вниманию предложен текст. После его прочтения выполните задание. Отметьте предложенные Вам утверждения как соответствующие (T) или несоответствующие (F) содержанию текста, записывая буквы (T или F) в бланк ответа.

A Great Composer

George Frederic Handel was born in Germany in 1684. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and discouraged the boy from studying music in any way. He, in fact, forbade his son to touch any musical instrument whatever. But young George was not one to accept defeat so easily. Being a boy of resourceful mind he smuggled a small clavichord into the garret where he used to amuse himself while the family was asleep.

Once the duke while going into the church was surprised at hearing someone playing so well on the organ. What was his amazement when he found in the organ-loft ... a child of seven. It was Handel. After that the duke persuaded the boy's father to place his son under the organist as a pupil. When George was fourteen he far excelled his teacher. It took him a few more years to surpass many outstanding masters in composition as well.

First Handel went to Italy where he spent six years living in such towns as Florence, Venice and Rome. While in Florence he produced his opera "Rodrigo". His fame kept steadily spreading and the English nobility did their best to induce him to come to London. After a very warm reception which touched him deeply he decided to make England his permanent residence.

Shortly before his death a great misfortune befell him. He was afflicted with total blindness. But disease failed to break Handel's spirit and he continued to perform in public. Like many other great people, Handel was buried in Westminster Abbey.


Mark the statements which are True.

George Frederic Handel was an Englishman. 

Задание 2

(2 балла)

Инструкция: Вашему вниманию предложен текст. После его прочтения выполните задание. Отметьте предложенные Вам утверждения как соответствующие (T) или несоответствующие (F) содержанию текста, записывая буквы (T или F) в бланк ответа.

A Great Composer

George Frederic Handel was born in Germany in 1684. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and discouraged the boy from studying music in any way. He, in fact, forbade his son to touch any musical instrument whatever. But young George was not one to accept defeat so easily. Being a boy of resourceful mind he smuggled a small clavichord into the garret where he used to amuse himself while the family was asleep.

Once the duke while going into the church was surprised at hearing someone playing so well on the organ. What was his amazement when he found in the organ-loft ... a child of seven. It was Handel. After that the duke persuaded the boy's father to place his son under the organist as a pupil. When George was fourteen he far excelled his teacher. It took him a few more years to surpass many outstanding masters in composition as well.

First Handel went to Italy where he spent six years living in such towns as Florence, Venice and Rome. While in Florence he produced his opera "Rodrigo". His fame kept steadily spreading and the English nobility did their best to induce him to come to London. After a very warm reception which touched him deeply he decided to make England his permanent residence.

Shortly before his death a great misfortune befell him. He was afflicted with total blindness. But disease failed to break Handel's spirit and he continued to perform in public. Like many other great people, Handel was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Mark the statements which are True.

Handel's father encouraged his son in studying music.

Задание 3

(2 балла)

Инструкция: Вашему вниманию предложен текст. После его прочтения выполните задание. Отметьте предложенные Вам утверждения как соответствующие (T) или несоответствующие (F) содержанию текста, записывая буквы (T или F) в бланк ответа.

A Great Composer

George Frederic Handel was born in Germany in 1684. His father wanted him to be a lawyer and discouraged the boy from studying music in any way. He, in fact, forbade his son to touch any musical instrument whatever. But young George was not one to accept defeat so easily. Being a boy of resourceful mind he smuggled a small clavichord into the garret where he used to amuse himself while the family was asleep.

Once the duke while going into the church was surprised at hearing someone playing so well on the organ. What was his amazement when he found in the organ-loft ... a child of seven. It was Handel. After that the duke persuaded the boy's father to place his son under the organist as a pupil. When George was fourteen he far excelled his teacher. It took him a few more years to surpass many outstanding masters in composition as well.

First Handel went to Italy where he spent six years living in such towns as Florence, Venice and Rome. While in Florence he produced his opera "Rodrigo". His fame kept steadily spreading and the English nobility did their best to induce him to come to London. After a very warm reception which touched him deeply he decided to make England his permanent residence.

Shortly before his death a great misfortune befell him. He was afflicted with total blindness. But disease failed to break Handel's spirit and he continued to perform in public. Like many other great people, Handel was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Mark the statements which are True.

Handel had lived in many countries, but he had never visited England.

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