Правило согласования времен.

Занятие направлено на систематизацию знаний по теме согласования времен. Мы рассмотрим механизм «сдвига времен», замены обстоятельств времени и местоимений по смыслу. Мы научимся формулировать косвенные вопросы, просьбы и приказы. Теоретический материал будет закреплен путем выполнения тренировочных и проверочных упражнений.

Задания по теме для самостоятельного решения

Задание 1

(2 балла)

"I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said.

a) She said that she was going to call again tomorrow.

b) She said that she is going to call again the following day.

c) She said her mother that she was going to call again the following day.

d) She said to her mother that she was going to call again the following day.

Задание 2

(2 балла)

“Has she travelled to Europe this week? ” he asked his colleague.

a) He asked his colleague if she had travelled to Europe that week.

b) He asked his colleague if she had travelled to Europe that week?

c) He said his colleague if she had travelled to Europe that week.

d) He asked his colleague if had she travelled to Europe that week.

Задание 3

(2 балла)

“Will the builders have finished the roof by next Monday?” they asked me.

a) They asked me whether would the builders have finished the roof by the following Monday.

b) They asked me wheather the builders would have finished the roof by the following Monday.

c) They asked me whether the builders would have finished the roof by the next Monday.

d) They asked me whether the builders would have finished the roof by the following Monday.

Проверить правильность выполнения заданий вы можете в автоматическом режиме в разделе домашние задания на странице с курсом "Английский язык Подготовка к ЕГЭ 2016"
Следующий урок на тему " Условные предложения."
Предыдущий урок на тему " Модальные глаголы."